Lower Calf Creek Falls: Utah: BLM: Calf Creek Falls Recreation Area, Boulder, UT ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Boulder weather forecast.

Lower Calf Creek Falls

Lower Calf Creek Falls

4/29/2021: Long views up Calf Creek Canyon. Cool Petroglyphs. Watch for trout in the streams and beaver activity. Go early! We did and had the falls to ourselves for a while. Three others joined us in the 15 minutes we stayed at falls. We met a ton of people on our way out.

Marg’s Notes: Lower Calf Creek Falls. Got up ~6:30. COLD! 40o Had breakfast & tea & coffee & hit the trail @8:00. We were very bundled up. Nice hike in varied landscape & an informational marked trail. Not many people ahead of us (8). Rod took lots of pics. ~3.3 miles in. we had to remove layers as we went! Falls were beautiful! and no one was there when we arrived. We had it to ourselves ~5+ minutes. Picture time again & then back out. ~7 miles total. Saw lots of people heading in. Glad we went early! After lunch we drove into the BLM info center in Escalante. Got some info for tomorrow. Internet there so Rod got directions too. Megan & Mark had left by the time we got back. Much warmer – 90o in the tent, so found some shade to write & read.